Key Members
David Fong, CEO, Member of the Board, Co-founder, Ph.D. University of Cincinnati, formerly of Lockheed Palo Alto Research Labs.
Howard Ho, CTO, Co-founder, Ph.D. in Computer Science, Yale University, former IBM Watson Development Manager and IBM Almaden Research Manager.
Rosemary Wang, CPA, Chairperson of Board of Directors, President of Lions Club, SF Bay Area chapter.
Lt/Gen Abe Lin (Retired), Member of the Board, Cybersecurity Expert, Defense Consultant of SAIC (Science Applications International Corp) in Virginia.
Bill Lin, Director of Vehicular Technology, Ph.D. in EE, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, former GM Senior Tech Fellow and Automotive Industry Executive.
Redem Chiang, Co-founder, M.S. Computer Science, Georgia State University, formerly of IBM Database Leader.
Lance Michihira, Corporate Finance Manager, B.A. Economics, University of California, Berkeley.
Anita Chung, Senior Marketing Advisor, B.S. Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley.
Paul Sheh, Director of Strategy and Business Development, MBA, M.S.ME. Santa Clara University, B.S.EE. University of Texas, Austin.
Bob Friedman, Corporate Sales and Marketing Manager, M.A. San Jose State University, California licensed security guard traner.
Corporate Advisors
Shih-Ken (Sean) Chen, Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, former thrust area lead in vehicle control and autonomous driving, GM Global Research and Development Center.
An-Yu Kuo, Ph.D. in Mechanics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, former Senior Group Director of Cadence, an expert in heat transfer and structural integrity.
John Geng, P.E., MBA Ashland University, Ohio, MS Engineering Mechanics, Tennessee Technical University, extensive and diversified experiences in design and implementation of manufacturing and mission critical projects.
Jerry Kuo, M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo, an experienced mechanical/thermal engineer in the auto industry for over 30 years.
Prof. Winncy Du, Ph.D., Director of Robotics Lab, SJSU, MIT visiting professor.
Jo Shen, Ph.D. Lehigh University, Venture Partner, Vivo Capital, formerly CEO and Co-founder of ScinoPharm, an experienced business leader and YWCA Women in Industry Awardee.
Wilson Chen, CPA, M.S. in Taxation, San Jose State University, Member of AICPA, practicing in compliance with Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) regulations.
Advisors and Consultants
Dr. Ray Chen, Advisor, formerly Electrical Engineering Department Chair at San Jose State University, Ph.D. Santa Clara University.
Ted Lee, Advisor, Hon. D.B. Chung Yuan Christian University (Taiwan)
Olivia Zhang, Sr. Manager of Financial Operations, MBA, St. John’s University, NY.
Alfred Chin, Production Manager (Mexico Facilities), manufacturing & logistics in Mexico.
Jake Saucedo, Supervisor, Human Security Enforcement.
James Cai, Esq., Legal Compliance, Managing Partner of SAC Attorneys LLP, former in-house counsel to Yahoo, J.D., Temple University.
Prof. Alex Liu, Advisor, former dean, Chung Yuan Christian University, Ph.D. National Chengchi University (Taiwan).
Dr. Chris Chen, Advisor, Professor of EE at Chung Yuan Christian University.
The Agape-1 core team